Sitemap - 2020 - Tim Talks Politics

December 18: President-elect Joe Biden

TTP Podcast, Episode 31: The Year Behind and the Year Before Us

December 11: Getting the band back together

December 4: Team Biden takes shape

TTP Podcast, Episode 30: The Electoral College – Protector of American Democracy?

November 27: We've much to be thankful for

November 20: A very Covid Thanksgiving

TTP Podcast, Episode 29: Post Election Trends and the Rhetoric of “Stealing”

November 13: Alleged, possible, maybe, most likely President-elect Biden

Monthly Brief for October: 8 Quasi-predictions on Election 2020

November 6: The “chaotically normal” election

TTP Podcast, Episode 28: My Quick and Dirty Response to the 2020 Election Results

October 30: Pre-Election Wrap Up

October 23, 2020: A poll by any other name...

TTP Podcast, Episode 27: The 2020 Democratic Party Platform – Interview with Steve Miller

October 16: What if Trump wins? What if he loses?

Monthly Brief for August/September 2020: The Abraham Accords

October 9, 2020: President Trump and Rona: Winning the battle, losing the war?

TTP Podcast, Episode 26: The Republican Platform(?) in 2020 – Interview with Matthew Anderson

October 2: Gallup, you’re scaring me, bro

September 25: September’s October surprise: RIP RBG

TTP Podcast, Episode 25: Evangelicals and the 2020 Election

September 18: Cotton bills and cotton bans

September 11: Hey-la-day-la My Brexit’s Back!

TTP Podcast, Episode 24: The Future of the Democratic Party

TTP Podcast, Episode 23: A More Perfect Union – Amendments 11-27

September 4: The untrustworthy election?

August 28: Kenosha

August 21: Fires literal and metaphorical

August 14: It’s Biden-Harris 2020

TTP Podcast, Episode 22: The Bill of Rights – Amendments 1-10

Limited time offer for educators and students!

August 7: Trolling China

July 31: Thinking big on China

TTP Podcast Discussion: The Judiciary and the Federalist Structure

TTP Podcast, Episode 21: The “Weakest” Branch? – Articles III-VII of the US Constitution

Alert: China's Three Gorges Dam is in trouble

July 24: I (mostly) told you so

July 17: “Ye” Olde Presidency

TTP Podcast Discussion: Article II of the US Constitution and Presidential Power

TTP Podcast, Episode 20: “The Buck Stops Here” – Article II of the US Constitution

July 10: The Greatest Game?

July 3: Lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.

Monthly Brief for June 2020: CHAZ/CHOP and Police Reform

TTP Podcast, Episode 19: “We the People” – Article I of the US Constitution

June 26: On the CHOPping block, and all that CHAZ

June 19: And you thought Trump’s tweets were enough…

TTP Podcast, Episode 18: “Is the Republican Party Destroying Itself?”

June 12: Welcome to CHAZ

June 5: Racism and riots mar America

TTP Podcast, Episode 17: A Yankee in the Kremlin – US-Russia Relations

Monthly Brief for May 2020: The Great Reopening?

May 29: Emperor Xi strikes back

Book Review: Aaron Friedberg’s Beyond Air-Sea Battle

May 22: California: canary in the Covid coal mine?

TTP Podcast, Episode 16: America and the Ayatollahs – US-Iran Relations

May 15: Beware the 'Infodemic'!

Monthly Brief for April 2020: China

May 8, 2020: We have met the robot overlords...

May 1, 2020: The Great Reopen and Tara 2020

TTP Podcast, Episode 15: Covid-19 and US-China Relations

The Weekly Brief: Coronavirus and unintended consequences

Introducing the Great Lockdown - April 17, 2020

How to clean up your information diet

Berned out?

How can we engage with politics without getting caught up in the hype and polarization?

I’m back. What’d I miss?

Life is more than news

Coronavirus conundrums

TTP Podcast, Episode 14: Defining America’s National Interest

Happy Valentines Day!

The good ol’ Iowa try

TTP Podcast, Episode 13: Deciding on a Drone Strike

The “Deal of the Century”?

Capital, Tech, Government: The new Axis of Evil?

Topsy turvy Tehran

TTP Podcast, Episode 12: We’re back for Season 2 (aka Happy 2020!)

Tim Talks Politics - The Weekly Brief, January 10, 2020

Tim Talks Politics - The Weekly Brief, January 3, 2020