Why I do what I do
The mission of Tim Talks Politics is to curate and comment on high-quality information from across the political spectrum to help you accomplish two things:
Understand the whys and hows behind government process and policy.
Develop a model for civil political discourse and the tools to carry it out.
I want to help people rediscover a sense of virtuous citizenship, one civil conversation at a time.
If you think that’s a mission you can get behind, please subscribe to my weekly newsletter, The Weekly Brief, below.
What is The Weekly Brief?
Tim Talks Politics publishes a weekly subscriber newsletter, the Weekly Brief, for concerned citizens with limited time.
The Weekly Brief is a newsletter for people like you – the thoughtful and inquisitive individual who wants to thoughtfully and positively influence their social and professional circles.
In each issue, I curate a list of articles from a diverse set of news and academic sources. It’s a week’s worth of world news packed into a 10-minute read (or 10 hours if you want to read all the linked material).
While everyone is arguing about the news, you’ll be understanding the trends and stories behind those headlines.
Here’s what you can expect in the Weekly Brief:
No distracting ads in the emails.
Stories that go deeper in their analysis than talking heads on cable news
Stories sourced directly from the institutions, think tanks, and influencers that news media only quotes
International news sources that bring you stories you probably haven’t even heard about