Life is more than news

The Weekly Brief - February 28, 2020
I'm sad to say, I need to put this Weekly Brief on hold for an unknown period of time.
Just in the last 48 hours one of my parents has been diagnosed with a pretty serious medical condition and things don't look very good. So, I'm clearing out as much of my schedule as I can to be available with my family for the foreseeable future.
My plan is to bring the Brief back, though, so I hope you stick around even if you're not getting your weekly news fix from me. For my premium subscribers, don't worry, your subscriptions will be placed on hold as well.
I wouldn't let you all go though without some kind of message, the educator in me just won't let a teachable moment go. :)
Citizenship, good citizenship is about more than the news and being well informed. Fundamentally, our concern for what's going on in the world should be shaped by our value of life, and the family and neighbors we share it with. We live in a world that screams for our attention on a million and one human tragedies and comedies to the degree that it can distract us from the tragedies and comedies unfolding closer to home. Don't be that kind of news consumer or citizen. Be the kind of person who is informed enough to love your family and neighbors well; who can appreciate the blessings of life even as you respond in compassion to life's darker seasons. That's where the rubber meets the road when it comes to the intersection I explore here: citizenship and information. It can't just be about the information. It has to be about being a human being in direct relationship with other human beings to build good communities.
So, until I pop up in your inbox again, go forth and live well. And if you're the thoughts and prayers kind, my family and I would certainly appreciate those thoughts and prayers.